Animations & Videos

Game Menu – Sky vs Sea (2019) (no audio 🔇)

A game menu that was animated within Photoshop, using the Timeline panel.

Software: Photoshop

Witch It Tales – Witch It Fan Art (2018)

This is a very elaborate pixel art animation that I worked on for about half a year. Witch It is a fun Hide & Seek game from German developers. I took on this project to support them and it was the most amazing experience I have ever had! (The piece “Danse Macabre” was performed by the Capriccio Clarinet Orchestra.)

Software: Aseprite, Photoshop, Audacity, Premiere Pro

Witch It Gif – Witch It Fan Art (2017)

Before Witch It Tales I created this little gif animation. It demonstrates, what Witch It is about: Witches can turn into objects (props) and have to survive, while overweight farmers (hunters) have to try to knock them out with potatoes, for example.

Software: Aseprite

Kamerafund mit Folgen – Short Film (mm-bbs 2017)

Kamerafund mit Folgen (Engl.: Camera Discovery with Consequences) was a short film project from the 12th grade of the vocational high school at mm-bbs near Messe/Ost. We were divided into four groups and received an item that had to play a central role in our short film. Our item was a camera. In pre-production my tasks were to develop the treatment and the storyboard. In production I was the second cameraman and in post-production I did the editing and the soundtrack.

Software: Premiere Pro, GarageBand (iOS)

Sky vs Sea (2016) (no audio 🔇)

Sky vs Sea is a frame-by-frame animation that I developed in the map editor of the game Blockstorm. The series is based on The Edge Chronicles, but takes place in a different world. The characters that appear in it are real people from the Blockstorm community. The total of 821 45×35-pixels-big frames run at about 3.4 frames per second, which is not exactly fast, but the fastest that is possible in Blockstorm. Unfortunately, I had to discontinue the series, although I still had a lot of ideas.

Software: Blockstorm (Game)

A Christmas Tale (HLS 2014)

This was a stop motion short film project from the 9th grade at Helene-Lange-Schule. Since I had previously worked on a stop-motion short film in 2013, I already had some previous knowledge. I worked together with two classmates, but did most of the work alone outside of school. It was filmed on an iPod Touch with the Stop Motion Studio app. The 2,010-frames-long animation runs at 11 FPS. Synopsis: A child who does not get the gift he is looking for, goes on a vengeance years later to kill Santa, who happens to live on the moon. (Music used: Jingle Bells and Deponia OST)

Software: Stop Motion Studio

Fanmade South Park Stop Motion Animation (2014)

A short animation which I made using 2D figures made of handicraft paper instead of Lego figures. The figures come from the series South Park. Please excuse my bad English in the video, I was 16 at the time.

Software: Stop Motion Studio

The Crown (2013) (audio removed for copyright reasons 🔇)

My first stop motion short film, which I made together with my little sister.

Software: Stop Motion Studio